Section1: Introduction
     1.1 How Memory is Allocated for a Structure
Section2: Structure Deallocation Issues
Section3: Avoiding malloc/free Overhead
Section4: Using Pointers to Support Data Structures
     4.1 Single-Linked List
     4.2 Using Pointers to Support a Queue
     4.3 Using Pointers to Support a Stack
     4.4 Using Pointers to Support a Tree

Section1: Introduction
     1.1 How Memory is Allocated for a Structure

Section2: Structure Deallocation Issues

Section3: Avoiding malloc/free Overhead
Section4: Using Pointers to Support Data Structures

     4.1 Single-Linked List
     displayLinkedList(&linkedList, (DISPLAY)displayEmployee);


     4.2 Using Pointers to Support a Queue

     4.3 Using Pointers to Support a Stack

     4.4 Using Pointers to Support a Tree